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Engagement activity and consultation

In this section you can read about our current engagement activity and formal consultations. As well as all previous engagement and consultation activity that has taken place across Calderdale.

We are committed to ensuring our delivery of engagement and consultation meets the needs of our local population. We’re always looking for public feedback and you can share your views on a number of issues by getting involved in the current engagement activity or live consultations.  Listening to your views is important to us and this information will be used to help improve your local health and care services.

Definitions of engagement and consultation

Engagement is the process we use to actively listen to patients and the public, involve them and gather their views in order to understand views, ideas and experiences of health and care services. Each year, we run a number of activities designed to encourage local people to have their say about future health services.

When we describe engagement we are talking about:

  • Individual engagement in any decisions about the care and treatment a person may receive
  • Collective engagement which takes account of a number of views and helps us to ensure services are planned and delivered, this can be through methods like co-production.

Engagement is about the continuing and ongoing process of developing relationships and partnerships, so that the voice of local people and partners is heard and that our plans are shared at the earliest possible stages.

We are working hard to include people in the shaping of local health services. We want to do this because it helps us to make sure we are improving our services in ways that meet your needs. It is really important for us to hear people’s comments, ideas and suggestions about ways in which we can make services better.

As part of our process for delivering any engagement activity we will always write a report of findings from our engagement activity

Consultation is a formal process and takes place after an engagement.  Formal consultation describes the statutory requirement imposed on NHS bodies to consult with overview and scrutiny committees (OSCs), patients, the public and stakeholders when considering a proposal for a substantial development of the health service, or for a substantial variation in the provision of a service.

Formal consultation is carried out if a change is ‘significant’. This is determined where the proposal or plan is likely to have a substantial impact.

The outcome of a formal consultation must be reported to the Governing Body in public, along with the feedback received. The CCG must be able to demonstrate views have been taken into account as part of any recommendations and/or decision making

As part of our process for delivering any formal consultation we will always write a report of findings from the formal consultation.

Current engagement activity

Older people’s care home engagement

Calderdale Council and NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) along with other providers, and professionals are committed to working together to build sustainable and quality services to improve the quality of life of older people who live in nursing or residential care homes. Our aim is to gather as many views and experiences as we can so we have an understanding of what really matters to the people who live, work or have a relative/friend who lives in a Calderdale care home.

Find out more on Calderdale Council’s website and complete the online survey which closes Friday 26 November 2021. A paper copy of the survey can be requested through the point of contact on the council website.

Current consultations

There are currently no open consultations.