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We welcome and regularly ask for people’s views, ideas & suggestions and experiences about healthcare services. Good or bad we want to hear from you your feedback is extremely important to us. Your views help to shape the decisions that are made about local healthcare services. The feedback we receive provides a valuable insight and helps us to improve services. There are lots of ways you can get involved with your local NHS and help it work better for you and our local community.

In this section we share information on what we have been doing in response to public feedback and how it is changing the way we do things.

You told us, we listened

Calderdale CCG have a published Public and Patient Involvement and Experience Strategy which sets out the CCGs approach to involving local people and the legislation the CCG must work to.  The duty to involve local people is set out in sections 242 and 244 of the Health and Social Care Act 2012, The NHS Constitution and the Equality Act 2010.

The CCG also produces an Annual Statement of Involvement detailing all patient involvement activity.

This report provides more information on how we involve people, who gets involved and how we use the information we gather.

Below you can find details of our previous engagement and consultation activity, what you told us and what we’ve done with this information.

TopicWe asked; you told us…We listened …
Children and Young People’s experience of their local GP practiceWe asked you to tell us about your experience of using GP services in Calderdale and around support for those who identified as LGBTQ.

You told us that practices could make people feel more supported by using more child friendly language and inform of all choices. To have more gender awareness of current issues and support.

Increased support for mental health and autism. For waiting rooms to be more inclusive and to have more access to appointments.
We worked with our GP practices, who are now taking up training via The Pride In Practice award to empower the staff to give excellent care to LGBTQ patients.
The GP practices are now reviewing the recommendations from the survey for service improvements.
Wheelchair Services 2017-2020We asked you to tell us about your experience of using wheelchair services.

You told us that the service needed to be improved.
We worked with services users, carers, voluntary sector and key stakeholders to develop a new service specification. And set up a service user group to help us during the procurement process to appoint a new provider.
Calderdale Health Forum 2019About the lack of information on patient transport and the need for this to be accessible, so that patients who need transport to attend GP/hospital appointments can easily arrange it.We liaised with the Practice Managers group to agree that they will update their GP practice websites with a section on patient transport information so easily accessible for patients.
Additional Provider of Medical Services (APMS) consultation 2019We asked you about how the proposed plan may impact on patients and your family.

You told us you continuity of care and good quality care, and trust and relationships is most important and that you are happy with the service you receive.

You also told us you were concerned about additional travel and capacity of other practices.
Click here to read our announcement on the future of our APMS practices.
Extended access 2018To help us to offer more appointments at times and locations that would be suitable for patients in GP practices, we asked for your views and experience on current services, how you access them and how you would like to access them in the future.

You told us that good care and treatment, getting an appointment, clean and safe environment and staff knowing your medical history. You told us you would like more flexibility and increased access to appointments.
Your views and experience informed the development of a specification to improve access to GP services across Calderdale.
Understanding the views and experiences of people living in Calderdale of the COVID VaccinePeople had concerns about the effect of the vaccine on fertility.We ran Q&A sessions in communities, produced factsheets eight different languages, and midwives spoke to every pregnant person about the COVID vaccine.
Understanding the views and experiences of people living in Calderdale of the COVID VaccinePeople with learning disabilities were worried about the vaccination environment.We offered a range of adjustments at GP clinic vaccinations, like more time to ask questions, personalised distraction techniques, and bringing a family member or carer with you. Our experienced learning disabilities team ran a bespoke pop-up clinic for people with more profound learning disabilities.
Understanding the views and experiences of people living in Calderdale of the COVID VaccinePeople wanted to be vaccinated, but they were busy with work or childcare.We introduced 7 ‘Grab-a-jab’ sites, where you could just turn up and be vaccinated instead of having to book. We ran 28 pop-up vaccination clinics in different community settings, like mosques, workplaces, and homeless shelters, and vaccinated.
Understanding the views and experiences of people living in Calderdale of the COVID VaccinePeople who were housebound had concerns about how they could be vaccinated.Our roving team of experts vaccinated over 1200 people in their own homes and coordinated vaccinating the people caring for them at the same time.
Understanding the views and experiences of people living in Calderdale of the COVID VaccinePeople had heard stories about severe side effects and were worried.
We worked with local clinicians, COVID champions, faith leaders and community groups to record videos, run Q&A sessions in communities, online question panels, and engagement events in local parks to make sure our communities had access to the facts, and could make a decision on vaccination for themselves.
Young people who felt healthy didn’t know if they needed the vaccine.We opened up Calderdale’s health text line to answer questions about the vaccine and worked with young people to produce resources addressing their concerns, which went out to schools.
Understanding the views and experiences of people living in Calderdale of the COVID VaccinePeople observing Ramadan told us they didn’t want to be vaccinated whilst fasting.We arranged 4 pop-up events at mosques in the lead up to Ramadan, which meant more than 360 people were able to receive the initial protection sooner. We opened more appointments just before sundown during the fasting period.
You can contact us
  • By email – calccg.contact@nhs.net
  • In writing – NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group, 2nd Floor, Westgate House, Westgate, Halifax, HX1 1PW
  • By phone – 01422 307400 (office hours are 8:30am to 5:00pm, Monday-Friday (except Bank Holidays)
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  • We respect your privacy and will only use your personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and the forthcoming General Data Protection Regulation.
  • Click here to read our full privacy notice.